History of TAFY

history of tafy

Where it all began...

Tillery Action For You (TAFY) was originally established by Communities First in the early 2000s as a youth focused organisation based in Abertillery.

The original group was Tillery Action for Youth.

The initial community group delivered youth training activities specifically aimed at 16 to 24-year-olds and 14+ working within the Tafarnabach Training Centre.

The launch of TAFY

In 2010, Communities First secured funding working with the Communities Foundation in Wales to develop the community group as a Co Ltd by Guarantee and break away completely from Communities First with a broader remit of working with all ages within the Blaenau Gwent Area.

Tillery Action for You Ltd was established and the Company formed in October 2011

Present day...

Since 2013, TAFY has been completely independent as an organisation undertaking community projects across South Wales working with people of all ages developing skills, qualifications, self-confidence, and motivation.

Please have a look at some of the community projects we have undertaken and get in touch for any further information about how to get involved!

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